姓名:刘耘 性别:男 出生年月:1968-11
最后学位:博士 职称:研究员 所学专业:地球化学
通讯地址:贵州省贵阳市观山湖区林城西路99号 邮编:550081
Tel:0851-85890798 Fax:0851-85891664 E-mail:Liuyun@vip.gyig.ac.cn
1. 改进稳定同位素核心平衡分馏理论和计算方法。提供包括振动激发态、内转子、振转耦合、量子转动等一系列校正,使超越简谐近似的同位素平衡分馏计算用于H、Li、B和clumped等同位素体系、建立新的涉及核体积效应的固相计算方法、建立常压下矿物与水溶液之间同位素分馏的新方法;
2. 为新兴稳定同位素方向(如Clumped 同位素、微小非质量分馏异常、热梯度下同位素分馏、非平衡过程等)建立新的理论和公式,扩展稳定同位素地球化学的研究方向;
3. 计算提供非传统稳定同位素不同体系的基本分馏参数。
1. 1986.09-1990.07北京大学,地球化学专业, 获学士学位
2. 1992.09-1995.08中国科学院地球化学研究所,矿物学专业,获硕士学位
3. 1997.08-2002.05美国纽约州立大学石溪分校,地球化学专业,获博士学位
1. 1990.09-1995.08中国科学院地球化学研究所,研究实习员
2. 1995.09-1997.08 中国科学院地球化学研究所,助研
3. 2002.06-2004.05 美国马里兰大学化学系理论化学组, 博士后
4.2004.06-2005.06 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学(或称弗吉尼亚多技术研究所)地球科学系, 博士后
5. 2005.06-现在 博士生导师
7)2007年国家自然科学基金面上项目 (40773005):“溶液中Fe同位素平衡分馏系数的量子化学计算”(2007-2010)
8)2006年国家自然科学基金面上项目 (40672033):“酸性条件下石英溶解分子机理的计算量子矿物学研究”(2006-2009)
9)1997年国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 (49601012):“伊利石钾素释放的量子化学静电势计算研究”(1997-2000)
12)美国自然科学基金“含挥发分硅酸盐熔体结构的研究”(由Hanna Nekvasil教授主持),项目编号:NSF EAR-0000926
13)美国能源部项目“水溶液中重金属物种的理论研究”(由J. A. Tossell教授主持),项目编号:DE-FG02-94ER14467 (申请延迟至2002年开始执行)
14)美国自然科学基金“硅酸盐和铝硅酸盐的理论研究”(由J. A. Tossell教授主持),项目编号:NSF EAR-0001031
15)美国能源部项目“电子密度分布作为理解硅酸盐地球物质反应性的指示”(由J.D. Rimstidt教授主持),项目编号:DE-FG02-03ER15398
5.贵州省政协委员(2015- )
主要SCI文章(*: 通讯作者):
[25] Yining Zhang, Yun Liu(2018)The theory of equilibrium isotope fractionations for gaseous molecules under super-cold conditions,Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,Volume 238,Pages 123-149.
[24] Gao CH, Cao, et al(2018)Theoretical calculation of equilibrium Mg isotope fractionations between minerals and aqueous solutions[J]. CHEMICAL GEOLOGY.
[23] Qi Liu and Yun Liu*(2016) Clumped isotope signatures at equilibrium of CH4, NH3,H2O, H2S and SO2.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. (doi:10.1016/j.gca.2015.11.040).
[22] Sha Yang and Yun Liu* (2015) Nuclear volume effects in equilibrium stable isotope fractionations of mercury, thallium and lead.Scientific Reports. 5,12626; doi:10.1038/srep12626
[21] Dan Zhu*, HuimingBao and Yun Liu (2015) Non-traditional stable isotopebehaviors in immiscible silica-meltsin a mafic magma chamber.Scientific Reports.5,17561; doi:10.1038/srep17561
[20] FeiWu*,TianQin, XuefangLi, YunLiu, Jen-HowHuang, ZhongqingWu and FangHuang (2015) First-principles investigation of vanadium isotope fractionation in solution and during adsorption. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 426, 216-224.
[19] Xuefang Li and Yun Liu*(2015) A theoretical model of isotopic fractionation by thermal diffusion and its implementation on silicate melts.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 154, 18-27.
[18] Siting Zhang and Yun Liu*(2014) Molecular-level mechanisms of quartz dissolution under neutral and alkaline conditions in the presence of electrolytes. Geochemical Journal.48,189-205.
[17] Xiaobin Cao and Yun Liu*(2012)Theoretical estimation of the equilibrium distribution ofclumped isotopes in nature.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 77,292-303.
[16] Xuefang Li and Yun Liu* (2011) Equilibrium Se isotope fractionation parameters: A first-principles study. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 304, 113-120.
[15] Xiaobin Cao and Yun Liu*(2011)Equilibrium mass-dependent fractionation relationships for triple oxygen isotopes.GeochimicaetCosmochimicaActa, 75, 7435-7445.
[14] Liu Q., Tossell J. A. and Liu, Y.*(2010) On the proper use of the Bigeleisen-Mayer equation and corrections to it in the calculation of isotopic fractionation equilibrium constants. GeochimicaetCosmochimicaActa, 74, 6965-6983.
[13] Li, X.F. and Liu, Y.* (2010) First-principles study of Ge isotope fractionation during adsorption onto Fe(III)-oxyhydroxides surfaces. Chemical Geology, 278, 15-22.
[12] Li, X.F., Zhao, H., Tang, M. andLiu, Y.* (2009) Theoretical prediction for several important equilibrium Ge isotope fractionationfactors and the geological implication. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 287, 1-11.
[11] Peng, L.M., Huo, H., Liu, Y. and Grey, C.P. (2007) 17O Magic angle spinning NMR studies of Bronsted acid sites in zeolites HY and HZSM-5.Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129,335-346.
[10] Liu, Y., Olsen, A. A. and Rimstidt, J. D. (2006) Mechanism for the dissolution of olivine series minerals in acidic solutions. American Mineralogist, 91, 455-458.
[9]Liu, Y. and Tossell, J.A. (2005) Ab initio molecular orbital calculations for boron isotope fractionations on boric acids and borates. GeochimicaetCosmochimicaActa, 69, 3995-4006.
[8] Liu, Y., Nekvasil, H. and Tossell, J.A. (2005) Explaining the effects of T-O-T bond angles on NMR chemical shifts in aluminosilicates: A natural bonding orbital (NBO) analysis. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 109, 3060-3066.
[7]Peng, L.M., Liu, Y., Kim, N.J., Readman, J.E. and Grey, C.P. (2005) Detection of Bronsted acid site in zeolite HY with high field 17O MAS NMR techniques. Nature Materials, 4, 216-219.
[6]Tossell, J. A. and Liu, Y. (2004) Calculation of 19F and 27Al NMR parameters for rosenbergite, AlF[F0.5(H2O)0.5]4??H2O, a possible model for Al hydroxyl fluorides in solution. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 42, S1, pS34-S40.
[5]Liu, Y., Tossell, J. A. and Nekvasil, H. (2004)A theoretical study of structural factors correlated with 23Na NMR parameters. American Mineralogist, 89,1314-1322.
[4]Liu, Y. and Tossell, J. (2003) The possible Al-F bonding in F-bearing aluminosilicate glasses: from ab initio19F NMR calculation study. Journal of Physical Chemistry B.107,11280-11289.
[3]Liu, Y. Long, H. B. and Nekvasil, H. (2002)Water dissolution in albite melts: constraints from ab initio NMR calculations. GeochimicaetCosmochimicaActa, 66, 4149-4163.
[2]Liu, Y. and Nekvasil, H. (2002) Si-F bonding in aluminosilicate glasses - inferences from ab initio NMR calculations. American Mineralogist 87, 339-346.
[1] Liu, Y. and Nekvasil, H. (2001) Ab initio studies of possible fluorine-bearing four- and five- coordinated Al species in aluminosilicate glasses. American Mineralogist 86, 491-497.
版权所有:中科院地球化学研究所 矿床地球化学国家重点实验室
电话:0851-5891199 传真:0851-5891664 电子邮件:chenhongwei@mail.gyig.ac.cn