1. 科研人员 | ||
高剑峰,博士,研究员。主要从事岩浆有关矿床精细成矿作用和微区分析技术研究,负责激光微区分析实验室方法开发和应用。 办公室:矿床室419室 Email:gaojianfeng@mail.gyig.ac.cn http://sklodg.gyig.cas.cn/ryzc/zyyjry/201608/t20160829_4656078.html | |
蓝廷广,博士,研究员。主要从事岩浆-热液成矿作用和微区原位分析技术研究,负责LA-ICP-MS分析方法的开发和应用研究,特别是单个流体包裹体分析方法及其在矿床学中的应用。 办公室:矿床室315室 Email:lantingguang@mail.gyig.ac.cn http://sklodg.gyig.cas.cn/ryzc/zyyjry/201406/t20140619_4140258.html | |
2. 技术人员 | ||
戴智慧,博士,高级工程师。主要负责LA-ICP-MS技术测试方法的开发和仪器的维护。 | |
唐燕文,博士,高级工程师。主要从事矿床学及矿床地球化学LA-(HR-)ICP-MS技术开发及应用研究,特别是包裹体分析技术及应用。 Email:tangyanwen@mail.gyig.ac.cn http://sklodg.gyig.cas.cn/ryzc/zyyjry/201807/t20180725_5050289.html | |
韩俊杰,学士,助理工程师。 职责:协助完成相干-飞秒激光剥蚀系统、安捷伦7900和高分辨质谱的维护及实验安排 | |
陈丹,学士,助理工程师。 职责:协助完成RESOlution S-155型193nm-NWR213激光剥蚀系统、安捷伦质谱7700和多接收质谱的维护及相关实验安排 | |
样品前处理和实验准备等资料加QQ群315162792下载查看,申请单和分析方法见下方附件、测试方法和依据见下方罗列的文献。 (单个流体包裹体成分分析,请务必加群查阅实验注意和样品准备事项) |
实验室现配备有相干Geolas Pro 193nm准分子激光剥蚀系统两套,RESOlution S-155型193nm准分子激光剥蚀系统和RESOchron SE系统各一套,New Wave NWR飞秒激光剥蚀系统(257/206nm波长)一套、New Wave NWR 213nm激光剥蚀系统一套、 Nu Plasma III型MC-ICP-MS一台,Thermo Element XR型HR-ICP-MS一台,Agilent 7700X型ICP-MS一台,7900型ICP-MS两台。实验室同时还装备了样品前处理系统,半自动精密研抛机1台(用于适合不同尺寸的树脂靶和包裹体片,无极变速,平面磨抛平整)和连续放大双目镜2台(用于制靶和观察)、电子天平1台。同时实验室购置有1035A/B透明环氧树脂和固化剂(固化速度快,常温固化,透明度高硬度好,耐酸碱),用以快速制靶。
1. GeolasPro 193nm+Newave213 nm+RESOlution S-155型193nm激光系统+Nu Plasma III+Element XR +Agilent 7700X质谱仪
GeoLasPro激光剥蚀系统:2015年引进,同年5月安装完毕。技术规格:工作波长:193nm;光斑大小:4-160mm;不均匀度:< ±3.5%(2 sigma);最大能量密度:光斑大小为130-160 μm时可达 35 J/cm2;能量密度范围:< 1 J/cm2-45 J/cm2;激光器安全等级:IIIb。使用预混气,激光束斑切换手动版。
RESOlution S-155激光系统:由澳大利亚瑞索公司(RESOlution)生产的193nm准分子气体激光,于2018年6月安装完成。束斑大小为4-150um,最大重复率为20HZ,最大能量密度为30J/cm2;Laurin公司的大剥蚀双池技术,最多能同时放入24个1英寸标准靶,同时具有很短的样品冲洗时间,非常适合地质样品点、线和面分析。
NWR 213 nm激光剥蚀系统:该系统是Nd:YAG深紫外激光剥蚀系统,具有深紫外激光的波长优势和固体激光系统简单易用的优点,于2016年1月份引进实验室。技术规格:工作波长:213nm,光斑大小:4-160μm;脉冲宽度:<4ns。
Agilent 7700x质谱仪:安捷伦(Agilent)公司生产的7700x型等离子质谱仪为2012年购置。耐高盐、易清洗。技术参数:检测限低至ppb,同位素比精度RSD<0.1%,灵敏度低质量数 Li(7)=50 Mcps/ppm,中质量数 Y(89)=160 Mcps/ppm,高质量数Tl(205)=80Mcps/ppm。
Nu Plasma III型MC-ICP-MS:由英国Nu公司生产的2016年推出的第三代多接收ICP质谱仪,于2018年7月安装完成。仪器利用具专利的分散变焦镜头,与由16个法拉第接收器以及4个离子计数量组成的检测器阵列结合,可进行从锂到锕系元素的同位素同时精确检测。仪器与激光剥蚀系统联用时,可进行单矿物原位微区Pb、Fe、Mg、Li、S、Cu、Hf、Sr等同位素的测定,还可以用溶液法测定地质样品中Sr、Nd、Pb、Cu、Fe、Zn等同位素组成。
Element XR型HR-ICP-MS:由德国Thermo Scientific生产的高分辨双聚焦磁场电感耦合等体质谱仪(HR-SF-ICP-MS)于2018年8月安装完成。仪器除了具有高灵敏度和高稳定性外,还具有极宽的线性范围,其线性范围高达12个数量级,且不同模式自动切换校正,能精确获得地质样品中的主量和微量元素信息。此外,仪器还提供固定宽度的低、中、高分辨率狭缝,可利用中、高分辨率直接准确获得有干扰的元素含量和同位素比值。
2. GeolasPro 193nm激光剥蚀系统+ Agilent 7900质谱仪
216实验室布局(左:瑞索激光+Agilent7900;右:飞秒激光剥蚀系统/相干激光剥蚀系统+ Agilent7900)
GeoasPro 193nm激光剥蚀系统:GeoLasPro激光剥蚀系统为德国Coherent公司制造,2009年引进,同年9月安装完毕。技术规格,工作波长:193nm;束斑大小:4-160μm;不均匀度:<± 3.5% (2 sigma);最大能量密度:光斑大小为130-160μm时可达35J/cm2;能量密度范围:<1 J/cm2-45J/cm2;激光器安全等级:IIIb。
Agilent 7900质谱仪:安捷伦公司生产,2015年购置,同年5月安装完毕。其具有体积小型化、软件智能化、超高灵敏度、长期工作可靠性高、操作方便等特点,特别是操作系统可实现中英文相互切换。
1. 中科院系统师生请前往中科院仪器共享平台,填写实验预约申请,经审核通过,填写分析测试申请表(见附件);其他科研院校人员可先填写分析测试申请表预约实验,并委托实验技术人员代为填写网上预约。在填写“分析测试申请表”时,请参考本网页公布的收费标准,重点填写预计分析费等内容,并有导师确认签字。
2. 通过电子邮件发送申请表扫描件到各负责人对应的邮箱,联系实验室技术人员安排实验,开展实验当天请提交纸质版申请表。
1. 单个流体包裹体
蓝廷广, 胡瑞忠, 范宏瑞, 毕献武, 唐燕文, 周丽, 毛伟, 陈应华. 2017. 流体包裹体及石英LA-ICP-MS分析方法的建立及其在矿床学中的应用. 岩石学报,33(10): 3239-3262 (本实验室).
Lan T G, Hu R Z, Bi X W, Mao G J, Wen B J, Liu L, Chen Y H. 2018. Metasomatized asthenospheric mantle contributing to the generation of Cu-Mo deposits within an intracontinental setting: a case study of the ~128 Ma Wangjiazhuang Cu-Mo deposit, eastern North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 160: 460-489 (本实验室).
Mu L, Hu RZ, Bi XW, Tang YY, Lan TG, Lan Q, Zhu JJ, Peng JT, Oyebamiji A. 2021. New Insights into the Origin of the World-class Jinding Sediment-Hosted Zn-Pb Deposit, Southwestern China: Evidence from LA-ICP-MS Analysis of Individual Fluid Inclusions. Economic Geology, 116 : 883–907(本实验室).
Zhao XY, Zhong H, Hu RZ, Mao W, Bai ZJ, Lan TG, Xue K. 2021. Evolution of Multistage Hydrothermal Fluids in the Luoboling Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposit, Zijinshan Ore Field, Fujian Province, China: Insights from LA-ICP-MS Analyses of Fluid Inclusions. Economic Geology, 116: 581–606(本实验室).
Wang H, Lan TG*, Fan HR, Huan ZL, Hu HL, Chen YH, Tang YW, Li J. 2022. Fluid origin and critical ore-forming processes for the giant gold mineralization in the Jiaodong Peninsula, China: Constraints from in situ elemental and oxygen isotopic compositions of quartz and LA–ICP–MS analysis of fluid inclusions. Chemical Geology, 608: 121027(本实验室).
2. 石英微量
蓝廷广, 胡瑞忠, 范宏瑞, 毕献武, 唐燕文, 周丽, 毛伟, 陈应华. 2017. 流体包裹体及石英LA-ICP-MS分析方法的建立及其在矿床学中的应用. 岩石学报, 33(10): 3239-3262 (本实验室).
Lan T G, Hu R Z, Bi X W, Mao G J, Wen B J, Liu L, Chen Y H. 2018. Metasomatized asthenospheric mantle contributing to the generation of Cu-Mo deposits within an intracontinental setting: a case study of the ~128 Ma Wangjiazhuang Cu-Mo deposit, eastern North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 160: 460-489 (本实验室).
Audétat A, Garbe-Sch?nberg D, Kronz A, et al. 2015. Characterisation of a natural quartz crystal as a reference material for microanalytical determination of Ti, Al, Li, Fe, Mn, Ga and Ge. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 39(2): 171-184.
Wang H, Lan TG*, Fan HR, Huan ZL, Hu HL, Chen YH, Tang YW, Li J. 2022. Fluid origin and critical ore-forming processes for the giant gold mineralization in the Jiaodong Peninsula, China: Constraints from in situ elemental and oxygen isotopic compositions of quartz and LA–ICP–MS analysis of fluid inclusions. Chemical Geology, 608: 121027(本实验室).
3. 锆石U-Pb定年
Tang Y W, Cui K, Zheng, Z, Gao, J F, Han, J J, Yang, J H, Liu, L, 2020. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb geochronology of wolframite by combining NIST series and common lead-bearing MTM as the primary reference material: Implications for metallogenesis of South China. Gondwana Research, 83, 217-231 (本实验室).
Liu Y S, Hu Z C, Zong K Q, et al. 2010. Reappraisement and refinement of zircon U-Pb isotope and trace element analyses by LA-ICP-MS. Chinese Science Bulletin, 55(15): 1535-1546.
Liu Y S, Hu Z C, Gao S, Günther D, Xu J, Gao CG, Chen H H, 2008. In situ analysis of major and trace elements of anhydrous minerals by LA-ICP-MS without applying an internal standard. Chemical Geology, 257: 34-43.
Ludwig K R. 2003. User's Manual for Isoplot 3.00, a geochronological Toolkit for Microsoft Excel. Berkeley Geochronological Center Special Publication, No. 4, pp. 25-32.
4. 锡石、黑钨矿、白钨矿U-Pb定年
Tang Y W, Cui K, Zheng, Z, Gao, J F, Han, J J, Yang, J H, Liu, L, 2020. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb geochronology of wolframite by combining NIST series and common lead-bearing MTM as the primary reference material: Implications for metallogenesis of South China. Gondwana Research, 83, 217-231 (本实验室).
Tang Y W, Han, J J, Lan T G, Gao, J F, Liu, L, Xiao C H, Yang, J H, 2022. Two reliable calibration methods for accurate in situ U–Pb dating of scheelite. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 37, 358-368 (本实验室).
5. 铁氧化物(磁铁矿、钛铁矿)
He H L, Yu S Y, Song X Y, et al. 2016. Origin of nelsonite and Fe–Ti oxides ore of the Damiao anorthosite complex, NE China: Evidence from trace element geochemistry of apatite, plagioclase, magnetite and ilmenite. Ore Geology Reviews, 79: 367-381(本实验室).
She Y W, Song X Y, Yu S Y, et al. 2016. Apatite geochemistry of the Taihe layered intrusion, SW China: Implications for the magmatic differentiation and the origin of apatite-rich Fe-Ti oxide ores. Ore Geology Reviews, 78: 151-165(本实验室).
Huang X W, Gao J F, Qi L, et al. 2016. In-situ LA–ICP–MS trace elements analysis of magnetite: The Fenghuangshan Cu–Fe–Au deposit, Tongling, Eastern China. Ore Geology Reviews, 72: 746-759(本实验室).
Chen W T, Zhou M F, Gao J F, et al. 2015. Geochemistry of magnetite from Proterozoic Fe-Cu deposits in the Kangdian metallogenic province, SW China. Mineralium Deposita, 50(7): 795-809(本实验室).
Huang X W, Gao J F, Qi L, et al. 2015. In-situ LA-ICP-MS trace elemental analyses of magnetite and Re–Os dating of pyrite: The Tianhu hydrothermally remobilized sedimentary Fe deposit, NW China. Ore Geology Reviews, 65: 900-916(本实验室).
Huang X W, Zhou M F, Qiu Y Z, et al. 2015. In-situ LA-ICP-MS trace elemental analyses of magnetite: the Bayan Obo Fe-REE-Nb deposit, North China. Ore Geology Reviews, 65: 884-899(本实验室).
She Y W, Song X Y, Yu S Y, et al. 2015. Variations of trace element concentration of magnetite and ilmenite from the Taihe layered intrusion, Emeishan large igneous province, SW China: implications for magmatic fractionation and origin of Fe–Ti–V oxide ore deposits. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113: 1117-1131(本实验室).
Zhao W W, Zhou M F, 2015. In-situ LA–ICP-MS trace elemental analyses of magnetite: The Mesozoic Tengtie skarn Fe deposit in the Nanling Range, South China. Ore Geology Reviews, 65: 872-883(本实验室).
Gao J F, Zhou M F, Lightfoot P C, Wang C Y, Qi L, Sun M, 2013. Sulfide saturation and magma emplacement in the formation of the Permian Huangshandong Ni-Cu sulfide deposit, Xinjiang, northwestern China. Economic Geology 108, 1833-1848.
Dare S A S, Barnes S J, Beaudoin G, 2012. Variation in trace element content of magnetite crystallized from a fractionating sulfide liquid, Sudbury, Canada: implications for provenance discrimination. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 88: 27-50.
6. 碳酸盐
Jochum K P, Scholz D, Stoll B, et al. 2012. Accurate trace element analysis of speleothems and biogenic calcium carbonates by LA-ICP-MS. Chemical Geology, 318: 31-44.
Chen L, Liu Y, Hu Z, et al. 2011. Accurate determinations of fifty-four major and trace elements in carbonate by LA–ICP-MS using normalization strategy of bulk components as 100%. Chemical Geology, 284(3): 283-295.
7. 磷酸盐
He H L, Yu S Y, Song X Y, et al. 2016. Origin of nelsonite and Fe–Ti oxides ore of the Damiao anorthosite complex, NE China: Evidence from trace element geochemistry of apatite, plagioclase, magnetite and ilmenite. Ore Geology Reviews, 79: 367-381(本实验室).
She Y W, Song X Y, Yu S Y, et al. 2016. Apatite geochemistry of the Taihe layered intrusion, SW China: Implications for the magmatic differentiation and the origin of apatite-rich Fe-Ti oxide ores. Ore Geology Reviews, 78: 151-165(本实验室).
Chew D M, Babechuk M G, Cogné N, et al. 2016. (LA, Q)-ICPMS trace-element analyses of Durango and McClure Mountain apatite and implications for making natural LA-ICPMS mineral standards. Chemical Geology, 435: 35-48.
Mao M, Rukhlov A S, Rowins S M, et al. 2016. Apatite trace element compositions: A robust new tool for mineral exploration. Economic Geology, 111(5): 1187-1222.
8. 硅酸盐
S?ager N, Portnyagin M, Hoernle K, et al. 2015. Olivine major and trace element compositions in southern Payenia basalts, Argentina: evidence for pyroxenite–peridotite melt mixing in a back-arc setting. Journal of Petrology, 56(8): 1495-1518.
Liu Y, Hu Z, Gao S, et al. 2008. In situ analysis of major and trace elements of anhydrous minerals by LA-ICP-MS without applying an internal standard. Chemical Geology, 257(1): 34-43.
9. 独居石定年
Aleinikoff, J. N., Schenck, W. S., Plank, M. O., et al., 2006. Deciphering igneous and metamorphic events in high-grade rocks of the Wilmington Complex, Delaware: Morphology, cathodoluminescence and backscattered electron zoning, and SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology of zircon and monazite. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 118(1-2), 39-64 (Monazite of 44069, ~426Ma).
Tomascak, P B, Krogstad, E J and Walker, R J, 1996. U-Pb monazite geochronology of granitic rocks from Maine: implications for late Paleozoic tectonics in the Northern Appalachians. The Journal of Geology, 104(2), 185-195 (Monazite of Harvard 117531, ~272Ma).
Gon?alves, G O, Lana, C, Scholz, R, et al. 2016. An assessment of monazite from the Itambé pegmatite district for use as U–Pb isotope reference material for microanalysis and implications for the origin of the “Moacyr” monazite. Chemical Geology, 424, 30-50 (Bananeira, Coqueiro, Paraíso and Itambé monazites).
10. 磷灰石定年
Thompson, J, Meffre, S, Maas, R, et al. 2016. Matrix effects in Pb/U measurements during LA-ICP-MS analysis of the mineral apatite. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 31(6), 1206-1215.
Chew, D M, Sylvester, P J and Tubrett, M N, 2011. U–Pb and Th–Pb dating of apatite by LA-ICPMS. Chemical Geology, 280(1-2), 200-216.
Chew, D M, Petrus, J A and Kamber, B S, 2014. U–Pb LA–ICPMS dating using accessory mineral standards with variable common Pb. Chemical Geology, 363, 185-199.
Tang Y W, Gao J F, Lan T G, Cui K, Han J J, Zhang X, Chen Y W, Chen Y H, 2021. In situ low-U garnet U-Pb dating by LA-SF-ICP-MS and its application in constraining the origin of Anji skarn system combined with Ar-Ar dating and Pb isotopes, Ore Geology Reviews, 130,103970(本实验室).
Chen Y H, Hu R Z, Lan T G, Wang H, Tang Y W, Yang Y H, Tian Z D, Ulrich T, 2021. Precise UPb dating of grandite garnets by LA-ICP-MS: Assessing ablation behaviors under matrix-matched and non-matrix-matched conditions and applications to various skarn deposits. Chemical Geology, 572, 120198(本实验室).
Xing L Z, Peng J T*, Lv Y J, Tang Y W, Gao J F, 2022. Vesuvianite: A potential U-Pb geochronometer for skarn mineralization---a case study of tungsten and tin deposits in South China. Chemical Geology, 607, 121017(本实验室).
Tang Y W, Liu N, Yang J H, Gon?alves G O, Liu L, Lan T G*, Gao J F, Han J J, 2022. A new calibrated strategy for the in situ U–Th–Pb dating of bastnasite by xenotime. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2022, 37, 2599(本实验室).
Vasconcelos A D, Gon?alves G O, Lana C, Buick I S, Kamo S L, Corfu F, et al., 2018. Characterization of xenotime from Datas (Brazil) as a potential reference material for in situ U-Pb geochronology. Geochemistry,Geophysics, Geosystems, 19, 2262–2282.
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