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1.热液Fe-(Cu,Au) 矿床(IOCG)
4. 稀土矿化的示矿指标研究
2019.06-2024.05:矿床地球化学国家重点实验室 副主任
2024.05-至今:矿床地球化学国家重点实验室 副主任
2023.09-至今:中国科学院地球化学研究所 副所长
1. 2016年中国科学院前沿科学重点项目
2. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目
2. 国家自然科学基金-优秀青年项目
3. 国家重点研发计划项目-课题负责人
1. 深地专项-子课题-专题项目
中国矿物岩石地球化学学会-矿床地球化学专业委员会 委员
美国经济地质协会(SEG)Hugh E. McKinstry Fund资助(2012)
香港大学Post-graduate studentships奖学金 (2010-2013)
全国矿床会议最佳报告演讲奖 (2012)
1. Jin, C, Gao, X-Y., Chen, W.T., Zhao, T-P., 2018. Magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of the Donggou porphyry Mo deposit at the southern margin of the North China Craton: evidence from chemistry of biotite. Ore Geology Reviews 92, 84-96.
2. Wang, W., Pandit, M.K., Zhao, J.H., Chen, W.T., Zheng, J.P., 2018. Slab break-off triggered lithosphere - asthenosphere interaction at a convergent margin: The Neoproterozoic bimodal magmatism in NW India. Lithos 296-299, 281-296
3. Chen, W.T., Sun, W.-H., Zhou, M.-F., Wang, W., 2018. Ca. 1050 Ma intra-continental rift-related A-type felsic rocks in the southwestern Yangtze Block, South China. Precambrian Research, 309: 22-44
4. Li, X.C., Zhou, M.F., Chen, W.T., Zhao, X.F., Tran, M.D., 2018. Uranium-lead dating of hydrothermal zircon and monazite from the Sin Quyen Fe-Cu-REE-Au-(U) deposit, northwestern Vietnam. Mineralium Deposita, 53: 399-416
5. Chen, W.T., Zhou, M.-F., 2017. Hydrothermal alteration of magmatic zircon related to NaCl-rich brines: diffusion-reaction and dissolution-reprecipitation processes. American Journal of Sciences 317, 177-215.
6. Wong, K.H., Zhou, M.F., Chen, W.T*., O'Brien H., Lahaye, Y., Chan, S.L.J., 2017. Constraints of fluid inclusions and in-situ S-Pb isotopic compositions on the origin of the North Kostobe sediment-hosted gold deposit, eastern Kazakhstan. Ore Geology Reviews 81, 256-269 (Corresponding author)
7. Hu, R.-Z., Chen, W.T., Xu, D.R., Zhou, M.F., 2017. Reviews and new metallogenic models of mineral deposits in South China: An introduction. a sepical issue in Journal Of Asian Earth Sciences 137, 1-8
8. Zhao, X.F., Zhou, M.F., Su, Z.K., Li, X.C., Chen, W.T., Li, J.W., 2017. Geology, geochronology, and geochemistry of the Dahongshan Fe-Cu-(Au-Ag) deposit, Southwest China: implications for the formation of iron oxide copper-gold deposits in intracrationic rift settings. Economic Geology 112, 603-628.
9. Wang, W., Cawood, P.A., Pandit, M.K., Zhou, M.F., Chen, W.T., 2017. Zircon U-Pb age and Hf isotope evidence for an Eoarchaean crustal remnant and episodic crustal reworking in response to supercontinent cycles in NW India. Journal of the Geological Society, 174: 759-772.
10. Liu, P.P., Zhou, M.F., Zhao, G., Chung, S.L., Chen, W.T., Wang, F., 2017. Eocene granulite-facies metamorphism prior to deformation of the Mianhuadi mafic complex in the Ailao Shan-Red River shear zone, Yunnan Province, SW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 145, 626-640.
11. Zhao, W.W., Zhou, M.-F., Chen, W.T., 2016. Growth of hydrothermal baddeleyite and zircon in different stages of skarnization. American Mineralogist 101, 2689-2700.
12. Chen, W.T., Zhou, M.-F., Gao, J.F., Hu, RZ., 2015. Geochemistry of magnetite from Fe-Cu deposits in the Kangdian metallogenic province, SW China. Mineralium Deposita 50, 795-809
13. Chen, W.T., Zhou, M.-F., 2015. Mineralogical and geochemical constraints on the mobilization and mineralization of rare earth elements in the Lala Fe-Cu-(Mo, REE) deposit, SW China. Americal Journal of Sciences 315, 671-711.
14. Chen, W.T., Zhou, M.-F., Gao, J.-F., Zhao, T.P., 2015. Oscillatory Sr isotopic signature in plagioclase megacrysts from the Damiao anorthosite complex, North China. Chemical Geology 393-394, 1-15
15. Chen, W.T., Zhou, M.-F., Li, XC., Gao, J.-F., Hou, KJ., 2015. In-situ LA-ICP-MS trace elemental analyses of magnetite: Cu-(Fe) deposits in the Khetri copper belt in Rajasthan province, NW India. Ore Geology Reviews 95, 929-939.
16. Li, X.C., Zhao, X.F., Zhou, M.F., Chen, W.T., Chu, Z.Y., 2015. Fluid inclusion and isotopic constraints on the origin of the Paleoproterozoic Yinachang Fe-Cu-(REE) deposit, Southwest China. Economic Geology 110, 1339-1369.
17. Gao, J.-F., Zhou, M.-F., Qi, L., Chen, W.T., Huang, X.W., 2015. Chalcophile elemental compositions and origin of the Tuwu porphyry Cu deposit, NW China. Ore Geology Reviews 66, 403-421.
18. Chung, D., Zhou, M.F., Gao, J.F., Chen, W.T., 2015. In-situ LA-ICP-MS trace elemental analyses of magnetite: the late palaeoproterozoic Sokoman iron formation in the Labrador Trough, Canada. Ore Geology Reviews 65, 917-928.
19. Liu, P.P., Zhou, M.-F., Chen, W.T., Gao, J.F., Huang, X.W., 2015. In-situ LA-ICP-MS trace elemental analyses of magnetite: Fe-Ti-(V) oxide-bearing mafic-ultramafic layered intrusions of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, SW China. Ore Geological Reviews 65, 853-871.
20. Chen, W.T., Zhou, M.-F.. 2014. Ages and compositions of primary and secondary allanite from the Lala Fe-Cu deposit, SW China: Implications for multiple episodes of hydrothermal events. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 168, 1043.
21. Chen, W.T., Sun, W.-H., Zhao, J.-H., Wang, W., Zhou, M.-F., 2014. “Grenvillian” intra-plate mafic magmatism in the southwestern Yangtze Block, SW China. Precambrian Research 242, 138-153.
22. Chen, W.T., Zhou, M.-F., Gao, J.F., 2014. Constraints of Sr isotopic compositions of apatite and carbonates on the origin of Fe and Cu mineralizing fluids in the Lala Fe-Cu-(Mo, REE) deposit, SW China. Ore Geology Review 61: 96-106.
23. Zhou, M.F., Zhao, X.F., Chen, W.T., Li, X.C., Wang, W., Yan, D.P., Qiu, H.N., 2014. Proterozoic Fe-Cu metallogeny and supercontinental cycles of the sourthwestern Yangtze Block, southern China and northern Vietnam. Earth-Science Reviews 139, 59-82.
24. Gao, X.-Y., Zhao, T.-P., Chen W.T., 2014. Petrogenesis of the early Gretaceous Funiushan granites on the southern margin of the North China Craton: Implications for the Mesozoic geological evolution. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 94, 28-44.
25. Liu, P.P., Zhou, M.-F., Chen, W.T., Boone, M., Cnudde, V., 2014. Using Multiphase Solid Inclusions to Constrain the Origin of the Baima Fe-Ti-(V) Oxide Deposit, SW China. Journal of Petrology 55: 951-976
26. Wang W., Zhou, M.F., Zhao, X.F., Chen, W.T., Yan, D.P., 2014. Late Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic rift sucessions in SW China: implication for the Yangtze Block-North Australia-Northwest Laurentia connection in the Columbia supercontinent. Sedimentray Geology 309, 33-47.
27. Li YHM, Zhou MF, Lai KW, Chan LS, Chen W.T.*, 2014. Geochemical and geochronological constraints on late Jurassic volcanic rocks at Tuen Mun, Hong Kong with implications for the Paleo-pacific subduction. International Geological Review 56, 408-429. (*corresponding author)
28. Chen, W.T., Zhou, M.-F., Zhao, T.-P., 2013. Differentiation of nelsonitic magmas in the formation of the ~1.74 Ga Damiao Fe-Ti-P ore deposit, North China. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 165, 1341-1362.
29. Chen, W.T., Zhou, M.-F., Zhao, X.F., 2013. Late Paleoproterozoic sedimentary and mafic rocks in the Hekou area, SW China: Implication for the reconstruction of the Yangtze Block in Columbia. Precambrian Research 231, 61-77.
30. Zhou, M.-F., Chen, W.T., Wang, C.Y., Prevec, S.A., Liu, P.P., Howarth, G.H., 2013. Two stages of immiscible liquid separation in the formation of Panzhihua-type Fe-Ti-V oxide deposits, SW China. Geoscience Frontiers 4, 481-502.
31. Wang, B.-Q., Zhou, M.-F., Chen, W.T.*, Gao, J.-F., Yan, D.-P., 2013. Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of the Triassic volcanic rocks in the northern Yidun Terrane, Eastern Tibet. Lithos 175-176, 285-301.(*corresponding author)
32. Wang, B.-Q., Wang, W., Chen, W.T., Gao, J.-F., Zhao, X.-F., Yan, D.-P., Zhou, M.-F., 2013. Constraints of detrital zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotopes on the provenance of the Triassic Yidun Group and tectonic evolution of the Yidun Terrane, Eastern Tibet. Sedimentary Geology, 289, 74-98.
33. Chen, W.T., Zhou, M.-F., 2012. Paragenesis, stable isotopes and molybdenite Re-Os isotopic age of the Lala iron-copper deposit, Southwest Chnia. Economic Geology 107, 459-480.
34. Zhao, T.-P, Chen, W., Zhou, M.-F., 2009. Geochemical and Nd-Hf isotopic constraints on the origin of the ~1.74 Ga Damiao anorthosite complex, North China Craton. Lithos 113, 673-690.
35. Zhao, T.-P, Zhou, M.-F., Zhao, J.-H., Zhang, K.-J., Chen, W., 2008. Geochronolgy and geochemistry of the c. 80 Ma Rutog granitic pluton, northwestern Tibet: implications for the tectonic evolution of the Lhasa Terrance. Geological Magazine 145 (6), 845-857.
版权所有:中科院地球化学研究所 关键矿产成矿与预测全国重点实验室
电话:0851-5891199 传真:0851-5891664 电子邮件:chenhongwei@mail.gyig.ac.cn