姓名: 杜蔚 性别:女
职称: 研究员 学历:博士研究生
电话: +860851- 85891199 传真:+860851- 85891199
Email: duwei@mail.gyig.ac.cn 邮编:550081
地址: 贵州省贵阳市林城西路99号
2014年1月至2016年5月:日本东京工业大学地球与生命研究所 WPI研究员
2011年1月至2013年12月:美国纽约州立大学石溪分校 博士后
2002年8月至2005年7月:北京大学地球与空间科学学院 攻读硕士学位
1998年8月至2002年7月:北京大学地球与空间科学学院 攻读学士学位
3、国家自然科学基金面上项目, 41973058,“高温高压实验模拟月球岩浆洋演化—以二辉橄榄岩熔融结晶实验为例”,70万,2020.01–2023.12。
1.Wei Du*, Li Li, and Donald Weidner (2018) “Time scale of partial melting of KLB-1 peridotite: constrained from experimental observation and thermodynamic models”, Journal of Earth Science, 29, 245–254.
2.Wei Du*, Baofu Han, Yichuan Wang, and Xi Liu (2018) “Raman spectroscopy of synthetic pyrope-grossular garnets: structural implications” Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 45 (2), 197–209.
3.Wei Du*, David Walker, Simon Clark, Xuefei Li, and Baosheng Li(2017) “Microscopic strain in a grossular–pyrope solution anticorrelates with excess volume through local Mg-Ca cation arrangement, more strongly at high Ca/Mg ratio” American Mineralogist, 102,2307–2316.
4.Wei Du*, Xuefei Li, and Baosheng Li (2017) “Microstrain in pyrope-grossular garnet solid solution at high-pressure - a case study on Py90Gr10 and Py10Gr90 up to 15GPa” Physics and Chemistry of Minerals,44 (6), 377–388.
5.Wei Du*, Simon M. Clark, and David Walker (2016) “Excess mixing volume, microstrain, and stability of pyrope-grossular garnets” American Mineralogist, 101(1), 193–204.
6.Wei Du*, Simon M. Clark, and David Walker (2015) “Thermo-compression of pyrope-grossular garnet solid solution: deviation from linear compositional dependence”American Mineralogist, 100 (1), 210–222.
7.Wei Du*, Li Li, and Donald Weidner (2014) “Experimental observation on grain boundaries affected by partial melting and garnet forming phase transition in KLB-1 peridotite”, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 228, 287–293.
8.杜蔚, 韩宝福*,张文慧,刘志强 (2005) “内蒙古集宁新生代玄武岩中橄榄岩包体和巨晶的发现及意义”, 岩石矿物学杂志, 25, 13–24.
9.Zhaodong Liu, Wei Du, Toru Shinme, Tetsuo Irifune (2017) Garnets in the majorite-pyrope system: symmetry, lattice microstrain, and order-disorder of cations. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 44, 237–245.
10.Youmo Zhou, Tetsuo Irifune, Hiroaki Ohfuji, and Wei Du (2017) Stability region of K0.2Na0.8AlSi3O8 hollandite at 22 GPa and 2273 K. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 44, 33–42.
11.张文慧,韩宝福,杜蔚,刘志强 (2005) “内蒙古集宁新生代玄武岩的地幔源区特征:元素及Sr-Nd-Pb同位素地区化学证据”, 岩石学报, 21, 1569–1582.
12.李辛子,韩宝福,李宗怀,刘志强,杜蔚 (2005) “新疆克拉玛依中基性岩墙形成力学机制及其构造意义”,地质评论, 51, 517–522.
13.李宗怀,韩宝福,李辛子,杜蔚,杨斌 (2004) “新疆准噶尔地区花岗岩中微粒闪长质包体特征及后碰撞花岗岩将起源和演化”,岩石矿物学杂志, 23, 214–226.
14.Wei Du*, Vincenzo Stagno, and Tetsuo Irifune “Crystallization of SiO2 through melting of the Sahara 97072 (EH3) meteorite at 5 GPa and 1700°C”. In prep
15.Wei Du * Vincenzo Stagno, and Tetsuo Irifune “A textural and chemical view of partial melting of Sahara97072 (EH3) meteorite at 12 GPa and variable temperatures”. In prep.
16.Vincenzo Stagno, Wei Du, and Tetsuo Irifune “The behavior of carbonaceous matter in Tagish Lake Meteorite at high P-T: implications for the survivability of organics during petrological processes and origin of life”. In prep.
版权所有:中科院地球化学研究所 关键矿产成矿与预测全国重点实验室
电话:0851-5891199 传真:0851-5891664 电子邮件:chenhongwei@mail.gyig.ac.cn