职称:副研究员 学历:博士研究生 籍贯:陕西西安 Email: zhangshitao@mail.gyig.ac.cn 地址:贵州省贵阳市观山湖区林城西路99号 |
2024.01-至今 中国科学院地球化学研究所 关键矿产成矿与预测重点实验室, 副研究员
2022.11-2023.12 中国科学院地球化学研究所 矿床地球化学国家重点实验室, 助理研究员
2020.06-2022.11 西北大学地质学系 大陆动力学国家重点实验室, 博士后
2018.07-2020.06 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 博士后
2015.09-2018.06 中国科学院大学 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学专业, 博士研究生/博士
2012.09-2015.06 南京大学 地球化学专业, 硕士研究生/硕士
2008.09-2012.06 湖南科技大学 勘查技术与工程专业, 本科/学士
1. 国家重点研发计划项目, 2023YFC2906800, 锑多金属矿床成矿规律研究与勘查评价示范, 2023.10-2028.09, 8695万, 项目骨干/秘书, 在研
2. 中国科学院先导A专项课题, 东南沿海火山岩覆盖区斑岩铜矿床成矿潜力, 2023.11-2027.10, 2690万, 项目骨干, 在研
3. 国家自然科学青年基金项目, 42102081, 鄂东南铜绿山矽卡岩型铜金铁矿床中Co的赋存状态及富集机制研究, 2022.01-2023.12, 20万, 主持, 已结题
4. 中国博士后基金面上资助项目, 2020M683536, 鄂东南铜绿山矽卡岩型铜金铁矿床金的赋存状态及沉淀机制研究, 2020.11-2022.06, 8万, 主持, 已结题
5. 国土资源部公益性行业科研专项经费项目, 201511035, 鄂东南矿物地球化学勘查标志体系建立与应用, 2015.01-2017.12, 1219万, 项目骨干, 已结题
6. 中国地质调查局地质大调查项目, 1212010632100, 湘桂地区多时代花岗岩演化与成矿, 2013/01-2015/12, 300万, 参与, 已结题
Mineralium Deposita, Ore Geology Reviews, Applied Clay Science, Acta Geochimica, 地学前缘, 地球科学, 地球化学,大地构造与成矿,资源环境与工程等学术期刊审稿人
1. Zhang, S., Long, X., * Zhang, F., Zhang, L., 2023. Transcrustal magma plumbing process in the Cenozoic Dali potassic lamprophyre dyke formation in the southeastern Tibet Plateau. Lithos, 454–455, 107281.
2. Zhang, S., Lu, J.,* Zhang, R., Liang, X., Ma, D., Li, R. 2021c. Tourmaline as an indicator for late-magmatic to hydrothermal fluid evolution of the Neoproterozoic Baotan tin deposit, South China. Ore Geology Reviews, 139, 104504.
3. Zhang, S., Ma, Q.,* Chen, H.,* Long, X., Chu, G., Zhang, W., Cheng, J., Tian, J. 2021b. Petrogenesis of Early Cretaceous granitoids and mafic microgranular enclaves from the giant Tonglushan Cu-Au-Fe skarn orefield, Eastern China. Lithos, 390-391, 106103.
4. Zhang, S., Ma, Q.,* Chen, H.,* Long, X., Chu, G., Cheng, J., Xia, X., Li, R. 2021a. Precambrian crust growth and reworking of the eastern Yangtze Craton: insights from xenocrystic zircons in the lamprophyres from the Middle-Lower Yangtze Belt, China. Precambrian Research, 355, 106121.
5. Chu, G., Zhang, S.,* Zhang, X., Xiao, B., Han, J., Zhang, Y., Cheng, J., Feng, Y. 2020. Chlorite chemistry of Tongshankou porphyry-related Cu-Mo-W skarn deposit, Eastern China: Implications for hydrothermal fluid evolution and exploration vectoring to concealed orebodies. Ore Geology Reviews, 122, 103531.
6. Zhang, S., Xiao, B.,* Long, X., Chu, G., Cheng, J., Zhang, Y., Xu, G., Tian, J. 2020b. Chlorite as an exploration indicator for concealed skarn mineralization: Perspective from the Tonglushan Cu-Au-Fe skarn deposit, Eastern China. Ore Geology Reviews, 126, 103778.
7. Zhang, S.,* Chu, G., Cheng, J., Zhang, Y., Tian, J., Li, J., Sun, S., Wei, K. 2020a. Short wavelength infrared (SWIR) spectroscopy of phyllosilicate minerals from the Tonglushan Cu-Au-Fe deposit, Eastern China: New exploration indicators for concealed skarn orebodies. Ore Geology Reviews, 122, 103516.
8. 张小波, 张世涛*, 陈华勇, 刘俊安, 程佳敏, 初高彬, 李莎莎. 2020. 石榴子石U-Pb定年在矽卡岩矿床中的应用:以鄂东南高椅山硅灰石(-铜)矿床为例. 地球科学, 45(3): 856-868.
9. Zhang, S., Chen, H.,* Shu, Q., Zhang, Y., Chu, G., Cheng, J., Tian, J. 2019b. Unveiling growth histories of multi-generational garnet in a single skarn deposit via newly-developed LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of grandite. Gondwana Research, 73, 65-76.
10. Zhang, S., Zhang, R., Lu, J.,* Ma, D., Ding, T., Gao, S., Zhang, Q. 2019a. Neoproterozoic tin mineralization in South China: geology and cassiterite U-Pb age of the Baotan tin deposit in northern Guangxi. Mineralium Deposita, 54, 1125-1142.
11. 张世涛, 陈华勇*, 韩金生, 张宇, 初高彬, 魏克涛, 赵逸君, 程佳敏, 田京. 2018. 鄂东南铜绿山大型铜铁金矿床成矿岩体年代学、地球化学特征及成矿意义. 地球化学, 47(3): 240-256.
12. 张世涛, 陈华勇*, 张小波, 张维峰, 许超, 韩金生, 陈觅. 2017. 短波红外光谱技术在矽卡岩型矿床中的应用—以鄂东南铜绿山铜铁金矿床为例. 矿床地质, 36(6): 1263-1288.
13. 张世涛, 马东升*, 陆建军, 章荣清, 蔡杨, 丁超超. 2016. 桂北平英花岗岩锆石U-Pb年代学、Hf同位素、地球化学特征及其地质意义. 高校地质学报, 22(1): 92-104.
1. 姚亦菲, 王金林*, 陈华勇*, 张世涛, 初高彬. 2024. 铜绿山矿床蚀变矿物光谱EVS三维可视化建模及指示意义. 地球化学, XXX(接收待刊)
2. Chu, G., Chen, H.,* Zhang, S., Zhang, Y., Cheng, J. 2023. Geochemistry and geochronology of multi-generation garnet: New insights on the genesis and fluid evolution of prograde skarn formation. Geoscience Frontiers, 14, 101495.
3. Li, J., Liu, W., Su, L., Li, D., Zhang, S., Chen, H.* 2023. Porphyry copper mineralization triggered by sulfate reduction and alkali metasomatism: constrains from an experimental investigation. GSA Bulletin, 135 (9-10): 2407–2427.
4. Wu, B., Long, X.,* Zhang, S., Zhang, Y., Huang, Z., Du, L. 2023. Carboniferous variation of crustal thickness and subduction angles in Eastern Tianshan, NW China: evidence from the petrogenesis of the magmatic rocks in the Aqishan–Yamansu Belt. International Geology Review, 65(5), 682-705.
5. Wu, B., Long, X.,* Lan, C., Zhang, S., Zuo, R., Wang, J. 2022. Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Khondalite Belt in the North China Craton: Constraints from the geochronology and geochemistry of 1.9–2.3 Ga felsic and basic intrusive rocks in the Jining area. Precambrian Research, 371, 106570.
6. 程佳敏, 陈华勇*, 张宇, 田京, 张世涛, 初高彬. 2022. 鄂东南金牛火山盆地深部成岩成矿类型:来自鸡冠嘴矿区火山角砾岩的指示. 大地构造与成矿, 46(2): 318-333.
7. Zuo, R., Long, X.,* Zhai, M., Zhang, S., Zhao, B., Zhao, J., Zhu, X. 2021. Geochemical characteristics of the early Neoarchean komatiite from the North China Craton: Evidence for plume–craton interaction. Precambrian Research, 357, 106143.
8. Chu, G., Chen, H.,* Falloon Trevor J.*, Han, J., Zhang, S., Cheng, J., Zhang, X. 2020. Early Cretaceous mantle upwelling and melting of juvenile lower crust in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt: example from Tongshankou Cu-(Mo-W) ore deposit. Gondwana Research, 83: 183-200.
9. 李莎莎, 陈华勇*, 张世涛, 孙四权, 金尚刚, 魏克涛, 刘冬勤, 程佳敏, 许高. 2020. 湖北铜绿山矽卡岩型Cu-Fe-Au矿床深部矿体地球化学勘查方法有效性分析. 地球化学, 49(02): 205-217.
10. Zhang Yu, Cheng Jiamin, Tian Jing, Pan Jing, Sun Siquan, Zhang Lejun, Zhang Shitao, Chu Gaobin, Zhao Yijun, Lai Chunkit. 2019. Texture and trace element geochemistry of quartz in skarn system: Perspective from Jiguanzui Cu–Au skarn deposit, Eastern China. Ore Geology Reviews, 109: 535-544.
11. 李建平, 陈华勇*, 张 婷, 张世涛. 2019. 地壳浅部(低温-低压条件下)卤水-安山质火山岩作用实验研究及其地质意义. 地球化学, 48(05): 468-482.
12. 陈华勇, 张世涛, 初高彬, 张宇, 田京, 程佳敏. 2019. 鄂东南矿集区蚀变矿物研究及勘查应用. 岩石学报, 35(12): 3629-3643.
13. 丁腾, 马东升*, 陆建军, 章荣清, 张世涛. 2017. 湘南黄沙坪多金属矿床花岗斑岩的矿物化学及其对矽卡岩白钨矿成矿的指示意义. 岩石学报, 33(03): 716-728.
14. Ding, T., Ma, D.,*, Lu, J., Zhang, R., Zhang, S. 2016b. S, Pb, and Sr isotope geochemistry and genesis of Pb–Zn mineralization in the Huangshaping polymetallic ore deposit of southern Hunan Province, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 77: 117-132.
15.Ding, T., Ma, D.,*, Lu, J., Zhang, R., Zhang, S. 2016a. Petrogenesis of Late Jurassic granitoids and relationship to polymetallic deposits in southern China: The Huangshaping example. International Geology Review, 58(13): 1646-1672.
1.陈华勇, 肖 兵, 张世涛, 等. 2021. 蚀变矿物勘查标识体系. 科学出版社, 1-219.
2.孙四权, 陈华勇, 金尚刚, 魏克涛, 张世涛, 张宇, 等. 2019. 鄂东南矿集区蚀变矿物地球化学研究及其勘查应用. 科学出版社, 1-288.
版权所有:中科院地球化学研究所 矿床地球化学国家重点实验室
电话:0851-5891199 传真:0851-5891664 电子邮件:chenhongwei@mail.gyig.ac.cn